Wedding Day (Betsy’s photos)
Cari's hair underway.
A bit closer to done.
Alison's makeup being done.
Cari checks out her hair.
Betsy's oh-so-stylish hair.
A bit closer to done.
Aaaand done!
Cari has her makeup done.
Alison has her hair done.
The cake! (without flowers)
Cari & Betsy are ready!
Laura & Melissa get their makeup done.
Cutting the cake.
The Band
Joy & Rrain
Betsy & Emily
Chris enjoys his drink.
Our most excellent MC, Dan.
Adam & Cari at their table
Cari & Adam give their speech.
Adam & Cari's first dance.
Cari & Ron dance
Adam & Amy dance
Cari & Art
Adam & The Boyfriends
Adam & The Boyfriends
Cari & Adam's last dance
Group Hug!
These were the photos taken mostly by Betsy Conklin - some on our camera some on hers.